So check your local weather forecast for rain, grab your camera and tripod if you are shooting macro, and head out into the soggy world. I guarantee you will never see the same exact thing twice, as shooting macro in the rain is as unpredictable as the weather. Just the way I like it!
Unlike most people, I welcome rainy days. Mainly because this means I can head out with my camera in hand the moment the precipitation stops and attempt to shoot some photos of flowers, weeds, branches - whatever I happen upon - with raindrops or mist covering them. Not only do the drops make interesing patterns on plants of all kinds, but they also can reflect the world around them in a beautiful, painterly fashion. And if the sun comes out at just the right moment while you are shooting, it will add a sparkle to your subject you can't duplicate in an indoor studio.
So check your local weather forecast for rain, grab your camera and tripod if you are shooting macro, and head out into the soggy world. I guarantee you will never see the same exact thing twice, as shooting macro in the rain is as unpredictable as the weather. Just the way I like it!